The Strength of Steel. The Versatility of Wood.

Wouldn’t you like to have a building that offers the best of both worlds? Web Steel Buildings Northwest has combined steel and wood to produce building systems that are strong, versatile, beautiful and affordable. The “Hybrid” is the latest product in our line of buildings that is simple to erect, economical, and gives our customers the design flexibility they need to create the building they want.

Why Steel? High strength steel is used where it matters most–as the primary structural member. No wood in the ground.

Why Wood? Low cost and versatile. Wood studs are a much better insulator than steel. Steel conducts heat and cold at a rate 10 times greater than wood. With wood sidewall girts and roof purlins spaced two feet on center, insulating is simple and economical.

Why both? Strength, versatility and economy all in a simple building design that utilizes standard construction techniques and tools, saving valuable time and money.

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